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"We can’t believe we won first prize while supporting our nephew Milo (pictured middle) who has been raising funds for his representative tour in New Zealand."


What Our RepRaisers Say!

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Fundraising with RepRaiser is great! I think it's the superior platform for covering sports rep costs - it's easy to use, risk-free and much more effective than selling chocolates. Future sports stars might one day look back on this platform as their launching pad (or at least their parents will.

Reece Wilson

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Bolsta assisted the young rugby players of the future to travel overseas and experience life time memories. Thank you, you made the process of fundraising simple with low risk.

Patrick Hughes - Australian Raptors Rugby Academy

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As a teacher, all too often I see kids missing out on sporting opportunities due to financial restraints. It’s amazing to see actions being taken to fix this problem. I highly recommend this great team!

Leanne Allen

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Absolutely blown away! Our parents decided to use RepRaiser while we were waiting for our Bunning’s BBQ. What started as a way to fill the gap between our primary fundraiser ended up eclipsing our sausage sizzle fundraiser and no left over snags.

Michael Silvester

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